Monday, February 23, 2009

Dirty Sally

Thank you for your support on my latest book Mixed Race Kids of All Nations, but please keep in mind that I am the author of a book entitled, “Dirty Sally….the untold stories of mixed race children, who find a new identity, love, faith and forgiveness through GOD”.. There is an interesting story behind the title. I was often taunted or teased about being biracial. Some of my family members and friends called me Dirty Sally. Dirty Sally is an old slavery term used to identify the descendants or offspring of Sally Hemings, a former slave and the late President Thomas Jefferson. Sally Hemings was biracial her mother was ½ white and ½ black and her father white. Sally Hemings could pass as white during that time, but she opted not to embrace a false racial identity invented as a stigma.The nickname dirty Sally is just one label of many used against biracial individuals who appear to pass for white. Biracial individuals have been negatively affected by stereotypes because of their unique family structures and dual racial identity. Often times, biracial children feel pressured to assume mono-racial identity, while at the same time experience guilt feelings of betrayal and deception towards the parent whom they did not identify.

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