Monday, February 23, 2009

Where do I belong?

“The title of the poem is,
Vietnamese American: Where do they belong? Whom do they belong to?”
By, Myrtice J. Edwards

If I were a Vietnamese American, how would I harbor all the days of my pain
No one could understand me because I can’t seem to adjust
Searching for people like me
But I still find myself alone
I am a body of two worlds, but my spirit is not
Often I am looked upon as an illegitimate child of the war
Within the very country that I was borne
In Vietnam I’m called a “child of dust” but looked upon as an illegitimate American
When they see how I speak English fluently and flawlessly I am resented forever because of the memories of the war
Some call me an Amerasians aka a social liability
But it was never my intent to lose my tongue or culture you see
In Vietnam I am considered an American and in America I am considered Vietnamese
There are a lot of adjustment problems I experience just trying to be me……

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